Get more 5-star reviews on Yelp, Facebook, and Google

How does MoeGo review booster work

If your client replied positive number (you can define what is a positive number), we will send them a message (you can customize that too!) to ask them to post on social media.

If your client replied negative number, we will send them a message (you can customize with your own language) so that you can have another chance to communicate with your client.

How to set up review booster

  1. Click on <Review booster> on the left side menu
  2. Click the <Edit> icon to customize your message. Make sure to include the tag πŸ™1-2-3-4-5 😍 in the message.
  3. Customize your reply for positive feedback.
    Fill in your business link of Yelp/Facebook/Google
    Tap on the tags to insert them into the message box
  4. Customize your reply for negative feedback

How to send a review push message

You can access the <Ask Review> button from

  1. After you successfully charged your client (on the App only)
  2. Appointment detail page (The appointment has to be finished and paid)
  3. Client profile