The authentication issue of customer self-filled cards has been an ongoing concern for groomers. As long as the format is compliant, carefully fabricated cards can be easily submitted.
Introducing MoeGo Pay Card Authentication. With card authentication, all future card info will be authenticated with a $0.50 pre-authorization charge before storing it on file. With this action, the groomers could identify all the invalid, fake, and frozen cards before going through the booking process checkout process. We are committed to ensuring that every card on file processed through MoeGo Pay is authentic and valid upon entering the system.
How to Use Card Authentication
Setting up the Card Authentication
💡 Please note: Before setting up card authentication, please ensure that MoeGo Pay has already been set up in your account.
To set up card authentication for MoeGo Pay using the desktop, simply:
- Go to < Card Processing > from the side menu
- Under the Payment preference section, switch on the < Card authentication toggle >

To set up card authentication for MoeGo Pay using the app, simply:
- Go to < Settings > on the side menu bar
- Select < MoeGo Pay >
- Scroll down to Payment preference and switch on the < Card authentication toggle >

Understanding Card Authentication
Upon activating card authentication, each card added to a client's profile will undergo a $0.50 pre-authorization charge before being stored. This charge is promptly dropped upon successful card authentication.
Authentication when manually adding a card on file
💡Learn all about cards on file and different ways of collecting them.
When card authentication is activated, a successfully added card will:
- Be marked as authenticated
- A green checkmark next to the credit card icon under the client's profile photo will appear, indicating its readiness for use.
In the event that the card fails authentication, it cannot be added to the file and there will be a failed to authenticate error.

Card on file successfully authenticated and added

Card on file failed authenticated and unable to add to client profile
Authentication on cards added to the client profile pre-authentication activated
For cards added to client profiles before activating card authentication, those lacking payment history will be labeled as unauthenticated, denoted by an orange question mark on the credit card icon.
To authenticate such cards manually using the desktop, simply:
- Hover over < credit card icon > and click < Request Authentication >
- Option 2: Navigate to < credit cards > tab and select < Request authentication >
- Select the cards to authenticate
- Elect to notify the client by switching on the < send message to notify client toggle >
- Edit the message sent to the client
- Select < Request >

To authenticate such cards manually using the app, simply:
- Select the < credit card icon > and click < Request Authentication >
- Option 2: Navigate to the < card on file > section and select < Request authentication >
- Select the cards to authenticate
- Elect to notify the client by switching on the < send message to notify client toggle >
- Edit the message sent to the client
- Select < Request now >

Card authentication online booking client experience
With Card on file set as a payment requirement for online booking coupled with having card authentication enabled, the authentication process will automatically commence when your client attempts to add a card on file during online booking.
If the authentication succeeds, your client can proceed to add the card to their file.
However, if the authentication fails, a notification will appear, informing them of the unsuccessful authentication.

Q1.Who can use card Authentication?
Answer: MoeGo Card authentication is a MoeGo Pay exclusive feature. Once you set up MoeGo Pay, you're ready to go! See how to get started with MoeGoPay.
Q2.If I turn it on, does it automatically apply to all cards on files for all clients?
Answer: Once it’s turned on, all cards on file in the future will need to go through the card authentication process. However, you will need to manually authorize the card added and that has no payment history.
Q3. Will the customer know about the card authentication process?
Answer: Yes, clients will be aware of the authentication process as their card will be charged a $0.50 pre-authorization charge before storing it on file. However, this charge will be dropped immediately after the card is authenticated.