Manage the waitlist

Not sure about an appointment request? You can always put them on the waitlist

Check waitlist

  1. Go to <Appointments>
  2. Click on the <Waitlist> button
Check waitlist

Add a new appointment to the waitlist

  1. Go to <Appointments>
  2. Click the orange <+Add new> button on the top, and then click <New waitlist>. Or click on the <Waitlist> button and then click <+Add new>
  3. Creating a waitlisted appointment is the same as creating a booked appointment. See here for more info about how to create an appointment.
Add a new appointment to the waitlist

Move a current appointment to the waitlist

  1. Go to <Appointments>
  2. Click on an appointment and open the Appointment detail menu
  3. Click <To Waitinglist>
Move a current appointment to the waitlist

Add a new online booking client to the waitlist

  1. Once a client submits a booking request through the online booking website, you will receive a notice in <Notifications> on the top menu bar.
  2. Click on the notice and then you will go to the booking request page
  3. Click <To waitlist> for this booking request
  4. For more info about how to use online booking, please click here
Booking notifications
Add a new online booking client to the waitlist

Add a new intake form client to the waitlist

  1. Once a client submits a booking request through the intake form, you will receive a reminder in <Notifications> on the top menu bar.
  2. Click on the notice, and then you will go to the received submission page
  3. Click on the intake form, and then click <Add to waitlist>
Add a new intake form client to the waitlist