
Added start & end time of calendar configuration

Added holiday settings

Added report - sales by payment methods

Added report - sales by service

Added export client list

Mobile app:

Added import from phone contact

Updated report dashboard

Updated smart scheduling logic

Updated route optimization logic

Updated repeat “apply this and following” logic

Updated check out with credit card process with less clicks

Updated reminder message logic to accept replies other than ‘Yes’

Bug fixes:

Fixed message unread/read issue

Fixed new message is not on top of the list issue

Fixed green dot indication for online booking availability

Fixed list view to show all pets

👨‍💻 What's coming < by 05/22/2021>

Enable edit invoice after the appointment is finished

Enable drag and drop for repeat appointments

Enable ticket comments long press to copy

Update the invoice service category with pet names

Update review booster trigger logic

Add staff message access control

Add alert note to be copied to the new appointment

Add send text button for online booking request