In MoeGo, tax is associated with the service. So the tax will be applied to the service, not the whole invoice. You can go to create tax and apply it to the service as you need.
From the desktop:
Step 1: Go to Settings > General settings > Tax
You can create and add new tax with tax name and tax rate, which will both be shown on the invoice and receipt.
If there is no tax required on the grooming service, you may create the tax as "None" with a rate of 0%.
Step 2: Go to Settings > Service > Apply Tax
Once created, you can apply it to the service.
From the app:
Step 1: Go to Settings > General settings > Tax
You can create and add new tax with tax name and tax rate, which will both be shown on the invoice and receipt.
Step 2: Go to Settings > Service > Apply Tax
How to edit tax for service when checkout
Go to appointment details > invoice > edit tax.
Please note that this edit option is only available for the app.