MoeGo Insights - Transition To Revamped Report

We have extended the existing report module with easier navigation, enriched metrics, and customizable displays! You can gain deeper business insights and make data-driven decisions to enhance your operation!

To learn more about the definition of each metric, please visit MoeGo Insights - Report Metric Definition which can help better interpret your data and uncover valuable insights that can drive growth and efficiency.

In this video, we’ll give you a quick tour of the Insights section, including the dashboard and the reports, and show you some of the new features specifically designed for the pet care business.

You can also use this guide to smoothly switch to a revamped report and map the data while transitioning over. In this guide, we’ll cover: 

MoeGo Dashboard

Real-Time Business Insights

🔍 Navigate To Dashboard

💻 On the desktop > Insights > Dashboard (Beta)

💡 Gain Insights From Dashboard

Select Data Source

  • Business data
  • Date range: Choose a specific time frame (e.g., 12/11/2024 - 12/20/2024).
  • Compared method:
    • Compare with the prior period: (e.g., 12/01/2024 - 12/10/2024)
    • Compare with the previous year: (e.g., 12/11/2023 - 12/20/2023)
  • Exclude unfinished appointments: When enabled, only finished appointments will appear on the dashboard.

View Detailed Report

Dive deeper into the data by clicking on < View detail report >. You’ll be guided to the reports used to generate the graph and understand what happened underneath.

History Comparison

See the additional indicator of how the metric change compared to the previous period, to identify business trends.

The previous period is dynamically decided based on the date range selected. For example: When viewing the data from 1/21/2024 - 1/27/2024, the previous period will be 1/14/2024 - 1/20/2024.

MoeGo Insights (Exclusive to Ultimate Plan✨)

Hover over the data to learn how you are doing compared to nearby areas for benchmarking and strategic planning.

*To make sure references are reliable, if MoeGo has fewer businesses operating in your states, it’ll provide insights compared to all the businesses in your country.

📌 Dashboard Metric Definition

Click the links to explore the definitions of each metric in the various dashboards:

MoeGo Insights - Revamped Dashboard with Comprehensive Overview (Beta)
💡This page highlights advanced features designed for reports and explains essential metrics available in the Overview section, helping you make informed, data-driven decisions to enhance your business’s performance. The Revamped Dashboard is a powerful tool to help you monitor and improve your operations. We have extended the existing report

MoeGo Report

Comprehensive Data Analysis

🔍 Navigate To Reports

💻 On the desktop > Insights > Reports (Beta)

💡 Explore Customization In Report

Customized Columns

With the new interactive reporting tables, click on the "config icon" to decide which column to display, focusing on relevant metrics only.

You can even sort the columns to update the display sequence, prioritizing information crucial for decision-making.


Smart Filters (Exclusive to Ultimate Plan✨)

Narrow down reports based on specific criteria by navigating to the filter option. With smart filters, you can use more than one filter to locate data in various aspects.

For instance, you can view all the sales where a specific service was performed by applying a service filter against the sales summary report.


Group By

View the same metric from different perspectives by switching dimensions via the "Group by" dropdown and easily consume the data the way you want.

  • Appointment / Sales datetime: Based on the appointment's date. Group by day, week, month, year.
  • Transaction datetime: Based on payment's date. Group by day, week, month, year.
  • Payment method: Payment methods are selected during checkout. 
  • Transaction type: Sale or refund.
  • Business name: Business in which the sale or appointment took place.
  • Processed by: The staff who checkouted the appointment.
  • Assigned staff: The staff who provided the service on the appointment.
  • Create staff: The staff who created the appointment.
  • Create date: The appointment's creation date.
  • Source: online booking/by-staff
  • Category: Service/add-on/service charge (package/product if accessiable)
  • Service / Product /Add-on
  • Appointment status / Payment status
  • State / City / Zipcode
  • Pet breed / Pet type / Pet code
  • Client name

View invoices

Easily view detailed invoices directly from the reports interface.

For Sales summary, payment summary, and appointment summary report, you can simply drill down detailed reports by clicking on each line.

For the Sales invoice report, payment transaction report, and appointment list report, you can click on the Invoice ID to see the itemized records for each metric.


Download reports

Download the data collected and save it in an offline format. You may want to keep this information for your records or for sharing & collaboration reasons.

Download the full report data or download it under filters. Only the column displayed will be exported when downloading the report.

📌 Report Metric Definition

Each report is pre-defined, tracking different metrics with a specific function. Within each report category, you’ll find: 

  • Finance Report
    • Payment summary report: View and analyze payments by payment method, payment date, or sales date.
    • Payment transaction report: Detailed view of all payment transactions.
  • Sales Report
    • Sales summary report: View and analyze gross sales, net sales by category, payment status, etc.
    • Sales invoice report: Detailed view of all sales invoices.
  • Appointments Report
    • Grooming apointment summary report: View and analyze grooming appointment schedules by source, appointment status, payment status and etc.
    • Groming appointment list report: Detailed view of all grooming appointment schedules.
    • Boarding appointment list report: Detailed view of all boarding appointment schedules.
    • Daycare appointment report: Detailed view of all daycare appointment schedules.
  • Employee Report
    • Staff performance report: Summary view to understand sales contribution, customer satisfaction, and utilization of each staff member.
  • Clients Insight
    • Client & pet summary: Summary view to understand client distribution and behavior in each demographic.
  • Payroll Report
    • Employee payroll report
MoeGo Insights - Revamped Payroll Report
💡This page serves as a guide to help you access, understand, and manage payroll data for your staff efficiently. The payroll report provides detailed insights into employee earnings, including appointment details, commissions, tips, and working hours. With this guide, you’ll learn how to navigate the payroll report, interpret the

Mapping Existing & New report

Mapping Reports

💡 Explore Customization In Report by using the tabs above each report to view the specific information you need. 
For example, group the "Sales summary report" by Assigned staff to find "Sales by employee", or filter by Assigned staff to only see sales for a particular staff member.

Area of focusNew reportOld report
Detail breakdown for each sale.
Sales invoice report
Sales and appointment report
Employee payroll report
Tips by emplyee
A summary of sales quantities and values using advanced groups and filters.
Sales summary report
Sales by employee
Sales by services
Sales by payment methods
Sales by week
Sales by month
Sales by client
Sales by day of the week
Sales by city and demographics
Sales by zipcode and demographics
Sales by service areaand demographics
Product sales report
Product by stock
Filter and view appointment list for appointment under specific status.
Appointment list report
Appointment schedules
Unpaid appointments
Cancelled appointments
No show appointments
Waitlist appointments
Appointment by staff
Unclosed appointments
Understanding appointment created, scheduled and corresponding client and pet serviced.
Appointment summary report
Total appointment
Total client
Total pet
Booking capacity
Detail view of each payment transaciton.Payment transaction reportTransaction history report
A summary of all payment received.
Payment summary report
Collected revenue
Payment method overview
Overview of business performance by team or location.Staff performance reportEmployeed full report
Deep dive into individual client behaviour and preferences.
Client & pet summary
Pet list
Pets with expired vaccineations
Number of pets by breed
Number pf pets by pet codes
Recurring client report

Mapping data

  1. For customers with only services, some metrics in the beta report can match those in the old version:
    1. Gross Sale = Expected service price + Expected service charge
    2. Net Sales = Collected service price + Collected service charge
    3. Total Collected = Collected revenue
    4. Unpaid Invoice = Expected revenue - Collected revenue

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why the data was not updated real time?

A: With the new dashboards and reports, MoeGo introduces a lot of analytical metrics like rebook rate, and average earnings per breed. We need additional time and validation steps to generate these metrics so that the dashboard and report data are refreshed hourly. You’ll be able to view the last updated time of the dashboard on the top right corner of the dashboard for reference.

Q: Will I still have access to the existing report?

A: Yes, the existing report will be available until we migrate all related reporting and metrics to the new one.

Q: How to update staff access to the revamped report?

A: Go to Settings > Staff > Role settings > Access to report.

Q: Is there an additional charge for the Revamped Report?

A: No! The Revamped Report is available to all plan users and you will gain full access to supporting data. But certain advanced features or graphs are exclusive to the ultimate user, such as MoeGo Insignts, sales dashboard, etc.

The MoeGo support team is available 24/7 online to help if you have any questions!